Nick Savage was 19 years old, and his brother Jack was just 18 on June 14, 2015. On this day, they attended high school graduation parties, celebrating the milestone with all their friends and classmates. It was also the day these two brothers died. The reason for their passing: acute alcohol and oxycodone overdose.
Both boys graduated high school with Honors, and were captain of their high school hockey team their senior years. Nick lead his team to State Runners-up in 2014, and Jack lead his team to earning the title of State Champions in 2015. Nick had already completed a year of college, and was home to spend the summer with the family. Jack was preparing for his first semester.
They chose to drink, and they chose to take a pill when it was offered to them. These choices were mistakes, and my boys paid the ultimate price for them. Our family was changed forever.
As a result, we are choosing to honor our sons, Nick and Jack, with the creation of the 525 Foundation – their hockey numbers were 5 and 25. Our goal is to prevent another family from having to endure the pain of such a tragedy through outreach, education and support.

"I often think about what I would give up to just have 10 seconds (with Nick and Jack). I’d give everything up for 10 seconds. It’s just that simple."
Mike Savage
525 Foundation Founder

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