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A gripping story of two brothers who lost their lives on the same night. A resource guide and curriculum for Educators. See how you can use #ONECHOICE in your classroom today. Thank you for making a difference daily in the lives of our youth. We fight the daily battle with you and hope this book and resource guide is just one small way we can continue to change lives and make our next generation prepared for the world we live in.

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Teacher Resource Guide

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  • Identify and apply the steps for setting and reaching a personal goal

  • Predict the consequences of decisions on self and others

  • Recognize personal responsibility for outcomes of decisions

  • Use decision-making and problem-solving skills to reach a desirable outcome

  • Examine the effects of influence on decision-making demonstrate the ability to perspective take in a variety of situations

  • Analyze how emotions and self-awareness influence decision making

  • Recognize the role of verbal and nonverbal communication in conveying meaning and understanding

  • Use effective communication skills in asking for help and advocating needs

  • Identify characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships

  • Develop social-awareness and interpersonal skills to maintain positive relationships

  • Recognize the benefits of belonging to a positive peer group

  • Identify and bond with a positive peer group

  • Recognize and evaluate the influence of expectations on the decision to consume alcohol

  • Identify the physical, mental, social, emotional, and legal implications of underage consumption of alcohol

  • Discuss the negative effect of underage drinking on achieving goals

  • Demonstrate peer-refusal skills in situations involving alcohol

  • Demonstrate effective peer-pressure refusal techniques in situations involving substance misuse and abuse

  • Contrast perceived norms with actual prevalence of substance misuse and abuse

  • Predict how healthy behaviors can affect health status

  • Analyze personal susceptibility to injury, illness, or death if engaging in unhealthy behaviors

  • Analyze the potential severity of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors

  • Discuss the reasons why some teenagers choose to use drugs

  • Identify healthy alternatives to drug use

  • Discuss solutions for a friend with an alcohol or drug problem

  • Access school and community resources for help with alcohol or other drug problems

  • Recall and practice skills and concepts learned from reading the book

  • Differentiate healthy and unhealthy risks and predict their outcomes

  • Compare the harmful effect of abusing prescription and OTC drugs to those of street drugs

  • Discuss the physical, psychological, social and emotional consequences of prescription and OTC drug abuse

  • Differentiate appropriate use and abuse of prescription, OTC, and street drugs

  • Evaluate the impact of substance abuse on goals, activities, and occupations

  • Examine the effects of substance misuse on the body, particularly on brain function




  • Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

    • Grades 6-8: 2.8.3; 2.8.7; 2.8.8​

    • Grades 9-12: 2.12.3; 2.12.7; 2.12.8

  • Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.

    • Grades 6-8: 3.8.2; 3.8.5​

    • Grades 9-12: 3.12.1; 3.12.2; 3.12.5

  • Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

    • Grades 6-8: 4.8.2; 4.8.4​

    • Grades 9-12: 4.12.2; 4.12.3; 4.12.4

  • Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

    • Grades 6-8: 6.8.1; 6.8.2; 6.8.3​

    • Grades 9-12: 5.12.1; 5.12.5; 5.12.6; 5.12.47

  • Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

    • Grades 6-8: 6.8.1; 6.8.2; 6.8.3​

    • Grades 9-12: 6.12.1; 6.12.2; 6.12.3; 6.12.4

  • Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.

    • Grades 6-8: 7.8.1; 7.8.2; 7.8.3​

    • Grades 9-12: 7.12.1; 7.12.2; 7.12.3

National Health Standards
Below are listed objectives from the National Health Standards that correlate with the #ONECHOICE book. We have also listed some of the standards we think most clearly correlate to the book. We do not know all state standards, but we know many of these standards will find themselves into your state standards.


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